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At any time, China cannot lack manufacturing industry
Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023-05-16 01:56:18 Hits:340
At present, China's manufacturing industry has a complete range of categories and varieties. The next step is to strive to develop high-end manufacturing and achieve comprehensive improvement. The country will vigorously support the development of high-end manufacturing industry. (Reporter Zhang Xiaosong and Zhu Jichai)
The manufacturing industry is the foundation of a strong country, the pillar of the national economy, and the core of all industries.
China values it, the United States values it, and the world values it.
Behind the competition of national strength lies the manufacturing industry, especially the high-end manufacturing industry. Whoever masters high-end technology will lead the market, leading the world, and having a competitive advantage.
Deren Seiko adheres to the concept of precision manufacturing, lasting for 12 years, specializing and focusing on becoming a precision manufacturing enterprise.
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